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CommentPersonDateContentRatingDeleted?Related articleRelated comment
DSGVO:Artikel 30. Verzeichnis von Verarbeitungstätigkeiten 1516974349777User:Admin26 Januar 2018 13:45:49Ein Testkommentar zu Artikel 30falschArtikel 30. Verzeichnis von Verarbeitungstätigkeiten
SemanticComments Sandbox 150894351776725 Oktober 2017 14:58:36sdafsdffalschSemanticComments Sandbox
SemanticComments Sandbox 1295603163565User:SemanticComments21 Januar 2011 09:46:02You can download this extension here: Sandbox
SemanticComments Sandbox 1295603031029User:SemanticComments21 Januar 2011 09:43:50The features of the SemanticComments extension:
Let your visitors comment and rate articles and contents
Allow discussions about and replies to expressed opinions
Aggregate comments in different ways (e.g. lists of all exisiting comments, the 10 latest comments or all contributions of a certain user)
falschSemanticComments Sandbox
SemanticComments Sandbox 1295602948268User:SemanticComments21 Januar 2011 09:42:27So let people take part and rate contents with the SemanticComments extension.falschSemanticComments Sandbox
SemanticComments Sandbox 1295602913516User:SemanticComments21 Januar 2011 09:41:52Communicating about topics and media is a basic community feature. You can upgrade your wiki essentially if you allow your visitors to present and discuss their opinions about certain articles. Or you would like to set up a conversation focused wiki where commenting is the superordinate and actual objective and therefore always available. You can have it your way and expand the attraction of your wiki in any case.1falschSemanticComments Sandbox
SemanticComments Sandbox 1295602691794User:SemanticComments21 Januar 2011 09:38:11Do you want to let your visitors have a say and encourage discussions in your wiki? Then introduce meta talking with the SemanticComments extension.1falschSemanticComments Sandbox